We have been made aware of a problem impacting our third-party provider who collect your direct debits and we are in the process of contacting all impacted customers. Please be aware that call waiting times may be longer than normal as we work on fixing this issue.


To inform us of someone’s passing, you will need to provide:

• Customer’s Name, Date of Birth and Address

• Copy of Death Certificate Email: MCBLegalcompliance@mycommunitybank.co.uk or Post: My Community Bank, 30 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf E14 5RE,

we will then be in touch with details about what to do next.


Useful Resources

Losing someone you love can be devastating but free services are available to help you cope with your loss.

You can contact:

• Age UK (What to do when someone dies: step-by-step checklist | Age UK) provides information and advice for people over 50 on 020 7278 1114

• The Bereavement Advice Centre (bereavementadvice.org) supports and advises people on what they need to do after a death – call free on 0800 634 9494

• Citizens Advice (citizensadvice.org.uk) offers free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on your rights and responsibilities

• Cruse Bereavement Care (cruse.org.uk) has a free helpline for coping with grief – call 0808 808 1677

• GOV.UK (gov.uk/after-a-death) explains how to register a death and has a step-by-step practical guide to bereavement

• The Money Advice Service (moneyadviceservice.org.uk) offers free advice on managing your money on its website and helpline 0800 138 7777

• The Samaritans (samaritans.org) provides confidential, non-judgemental support all day, every day, on 116 123