Our Complaints Policy
How we handle Complaints
As a member owned organization we make every effort to make sure we live up to the standards expected from us by you, the shareholder. As and when we do get a complaint we will do everything we can to sort it out as quickly as possible. The goal is to make our unhappy owner-member a happy and satisfied owner-member.
When a customer isn’t happy with the service they received from My Community Bank we will use this as an opportunity to learn and improve for the benefit of all our members.
We will not always get things right but when things go wrong we will work hard to fix it as soon as possible.
The best way to tell us you are unhappy is by sending an email to complaints@mycommunitybank.co.uk. If that does not work for you can still write to us the old-fashioned way on the below address:
Membership Team
My Community Bank
30 Churchill Place,
Canary Wharf,
E14 4RE
After we’ve received a complaint, we will send you a written acknowledgement within 5 working days. Our regulatory obligation is to give you a final response within 8 weeks. We will try to issue a response within 7 working days or faster if possible.
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
If you do not receive a final response to your complaint within 8 weeks or you are unhappy with the final response you have received, you can escalate the complaint to the FOS. The FOS are an independent adjudicator of disputes between customers and financial service providers.
Further details regarding the Financial Ombudsman Service can be obtained from their website at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk. The Ombudsman may be contacted at:
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 0234 567
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org
Reporting to the FCA and within the Organization
We report back on all complaints to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) but more importantly we will try and learn from the issues that you tell us about and try and improve the product and process for all our members.
Resolution Process
If we’ve made a mistake we want to offer a meaningful apology. Sometimes, it’s appropriate to offer financial redress, especially if we’ve messed up in a way which has impacted your finances, but where we have made you unhappy we will offer a heartfelt apology from all of us.
In short, if you make a complaint, we will treat it seriously, make things better for you, learn how we can make improvements based on your experience, and then apply those improvements to make those things better for all of our members.